:: Evan and Stephanie - part deux :: - Family. In focus
Zane has really been giving me a hard time about eating. In other words...he won't eat! I wonder sometimes if I am the only mom of a 2 year old who is basically on an IV drip. Of milk! I know for sure that the only medicinal healing he would need in case of emergency would be Bessie the cow with a constant and uninterrupted supply of Vitamin D. I even thought of putting a sippy cup of it in a little glass case embedded into the wall, with a sign that reads - Break glass in case of emergency.
Gosh, it seems like only yesterday when my parents accused me of eating food like I was the trash collector and I just had to get it down the pipe. I guess I didn't eat either. But man do things change! Now, I think about my next meal before I finish my current one. I love food. I used to eat to live.....now I just live to eat! mmmmm....food, I think I'll go have lunch! And here's the second part of Stephanie and Evan......................................................................................
The evan and stephanie bunch?
she didn't know I took this picture during milk time :)
she did during this one!
child wonderment
so stinkin cute
what if you opened your door and this package was delivered?
one of my favorites of the day!
my ABSOLUTE fave of the day!!! Hands down :)