:: The nicety's. The moments :: - My life. In focus.

It's amazing how fast our lives go full speed ahead right in front of us. I feel sometimes like I'm in a marathon and I pass the baton on from one phase to the next with the ultimate goal of getting the prize at the finish line, without thinking about the run.  That's how I usually approach all situations....get it done, get to the end. But I forget to enjoy what comes along the way.  The little nicety's in life. The moments.  I went to college, got married to my college sweetheart and had a little sweetheart of my own all in the span of 12 years and I have no idea where that time went! I am going to remember to take a breath, and soak in every moment.....no matter how small. Because if I don't remember to remember I will for sure forget.

This set of pictures will serve as my reminder to hold on to the moments (as long as they let me at least) I'm kind of sad..because I know it will only be another second before Zane will be older and gone running his own marathon :(  Sorry to go all momma on y'all.


Feuza said…
wow- you are beautiful Gina, and it does go by fast, I have two boys, one is turning 3 this month and the other 5 in December. we must enjoy and cocument these moments.
Gina said…
Your so right Feuza. I'm so glad to be able to document every moment.

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