:: What you don't know CAN kill you! :: - Your life. In focus.
A girl and her beauty products are like babies with their milk. We gotta have em. Like, reeaally need our products or we run the risk of going into full on cry. Most girls I know, have beauty products falling off their counter tops. I learned something new a few weeks ago. Did you know some of the products we use can actually harm our bodies? They are even rated in an environmental groups' cosmetic safety database on their level of harmfulness. I always thought if a product said it was made with all "natural" ingredients, than that meant it was safe. Only, I found out that lead is an "all natural ingredient", so you get my point. This gets me to my point. The author of a new and informative blog called "death by shampoo" breaks down everything for us. She will let us know what to buy and what not to. Basically, she takes out all the guess work for us. I will have the honor of occasionally providing photographs to supplement some of her future posts. I think this site is a must read. Especially for us girls! Next time you pick up your face wash, you WILL KNOW if it can kill you!